GROW model

GROW model The GROW model is a popular coaching model used to structure coaching sessions. The great thing about using the GROW model is that you don't need to be an expert in your client's specific issue to be able to coach them. It offers a general framework to help formulate goals, identify current obstacles and opportunities, list various options and move your client forward to action without ever needing to suggest any particular course. The client provides all of the information they need and the solutions to navigate their own way forward. The word GROW is an acronym for Goal – Reality – Options – Will (or Way forward). Using the GROW model is like planning a journey. You start with the map, showing where you are going - Goal, and where are now - Reality. You then chart different routes and modes of transport - Options. Finally, you can choose the best path to get you to where you want to go - the Way forward.

Available Modules

No 7mM modules are available for this specific issue yet.
Please contact us if you need advice on how to coach this issue and we will endeavour to prioritise a coaching solution for you as soon as possible.