Hi I'm David Young. And we're looking at how to coach someone on strategies for wealth creation. I’m a certified financial planner with a professional background in corporate finance, so wealth creation is something I know a little about. I live a very comfortable life now, and for that I'm truly grateful. But it wasn’t always like that. I grew up in abject poverty. I honestly do know what it means to be penniless, cold and hungry. And yet, by my twenties, I was wealthy, (financially speaking) - a millionaire several times over. But I didn't succeed despite my childhood experiences. I succeeded because of them! My early years gave me some invaluable life-skills and every incentive to break free of the scarcity cycle. You'll get clients who believe they're trapped in a similar cycle of scarcity. They’ll have debts, poorly paying, unfulfilling jobs, or no job at all. They'll be loose with their spending habits and tight with their investment habits. And they'll come to you seeking help. What are you going to do? All you can do as a coach is help them change their money mindset. I’m going to show you some techniques to help your clients do just that.