
Overwhelm is a really common client issue, especially in today's fast-paced, crowded, noisy and hyper-stimulating, information driven environment. It is also often referred to by clients as being "lost" or "stuck". It is the inability to make decisions or take necessary action to move forward. However, it can also be a symptom of a deeper issue and should always be explored with that in mind. In some cases it may even be a symptom of a psychological disorder or mental illness which would need to be referred to a medical practiotioner or psychologist. The symptoms of "Overwhelm" include: irritability, muscle tension and headaches, aversion to loud or bright places, difficulty concentrating, raised anxiety levels, avoidance behaviour, over-excitement or over-reaction, inability to complete tasks, fidgeting, sleep disorders and anger issues. Depending on the symptoms and underlying issues, Overwhelm can be coached in a number of ways. Our Mentors will walk you through some techniques that can help.